Basic Clan Info

PhoenixClan is a sacred Clan said to have been created by Mother Sky herself. Their first sightings were when the Jamaasians lived in mud huts, so the proposition isn't too far-fetched. They started out as real phoenixes, but all but one were killed when phantoms attacked them, who was named Songflare. The Phoenix was very weak, but survived because she was hunting near the Lava Pools when the Phantoms attacked. Because she knew that the phantoms had killed her Clanmates, who were forced to stay dead as a result of their powerful magic. Because there were no male phoenixes to breed with, she sadly flew over Jamaa. There, she saw some nice Jamaasians bestowing gifts upon others and being very, very generous, despite being poor themselves. Her heart danced as she saw the poor Jamaasians rejoice at those nice animals be generous to them. Knowing they would be a great new generation of phoenixes, she flew down and bestowed the spirits of phoenixes inside them, and flew far away to an unknown place. To this day, her location remains shrouded in legends and mystery, but legends still sing praise of her giving birth to the current phoenixes living in harmony, becoming animals when they walked with their former kin. This does not mean that live without threats, though, and many of them (such as dragons and capture) have driven the phoenixes to near-extinction, as forced death leaves them without an ability to regenerate.

Leader (administrator): Froststar (roxy30000)
Deputy (moderator that helps the leader): GoldAura (General Jitsu)
Warriors (regular users that can roleplay and attend meetings):
Nightwing, Ice Night Phoenix (General Jitsu)
Apprentices (regular users that can roleplay under the guidance of a mentor and attend meetings until they are six moons old):
Med Phoenix (phoenix that roleplays, visits the Skypool every half-moon, attends meetings, heals others for free, must be promoted from med apprentice ONLY and have herb knowledge):
Main: Flamefur, Sun Phoenix (Tallstar107)
Elders (retired characters that become NPCs):
Fletchlings (NPC phoenixes that stay that way for six moons then are apprenticed and are owned by somebody for roleplaying):

Dragonclan is an ancient Clan that the Phantoms corrupted for the sole purpose of wiping out the last of the phoenixes, as they were very powerful and were a threat... just like the Elves and such. They were corrupted dragons that fought PhoenixClan just for survival and to steal prey for food. There are more numerous types of them, sure, but the phoenixes were powerful enough to hold them off. Despite having their first appearances billions of years ago , Dragonclan is also facing extinction for some reason, just like Phoenixclan.

Leader: Silentstar, Light Dragon (Silent Star)
Deputy: Brassclaw (open for someone to own)
Med Dragon:

Application Form:
Email (for news and inquiries):
Phoenix/Dragon Name:
Story: (submit afterwards after drafting and revision)
Type: (be creative, and don't match types with anyone unless its a regular phoenix)

And, of course, there is also the list of Loners, phoenixes or dragons that have been kicked out of their Clans or chose to be loners from the start. If they choose to be one from the start, they don't get any tutorial and are placed in a scenario right away, but do get no Phoenix Code restrictions. You will automatically be in Free-Play mode, but you can switch to Story Mode to play a side role in the plot unfolding. Here is a list, along with a few fletchlings/draclings if you want to roleplay as them when they are six moons old. You, however, decide EVERYTHING about them except for their name once they are at six moons.
Runt (three moons)
Snake (one moon)
Aliza (four moons)
Eep (four moons)
Okami (two moons)
Miden (four moons)
Akemi (five moons)
Peanut (less than one moon)

Deceased phoenixes/dragons are either NPCs or Players that have lost their lives in the roleplay, or in a story describing recent events. If it is a player, they must have either been inactive for more than a month, or approved of their character dying and going to hunt with Mother Phoenix. Oftentimes, unclaimed fletchlings/draclings will die or be kidnapped, but while they are NPCs they can still be killed by enemies invading or sickness. If are rescued from kidnapping and are still unclaimed, they will wander off and become a Loner or a member of a rival Clan, both of which aren't good. Those who are deceased can still roleplay, but are restricted to the Heavens or the dreams of your own characters/NPCs/ other characters, as long as it is to the owner's consent. By default, there will be a few NPCs that are dead, but because of PhoenixClan and DragonClan being ancient, they are significant to the story, and the others that are deceased but do not show up are to be recognized as too deep into the Heavens to access anymore.

Kelpclaw (killed by a flood)
Pinktail (loss of air)
Airheart (Silentstar)
Fireblaze (greencough)
Scourge (revived as a dragon, killed by Froststar)


    NightWing (Phoenix)
    Black feathers, dark purple tips, ice blue eyes and the night sky under her wings. Personality, caring, kind, thoughtful and creative
    Being kidnapped as and egg by DragonClan and rasied, she finally found her clan. Working hard, she hopes she can be deputy.

  2. Sorry Amy, I don't have an email D: But you can always talk to me through comments and whatnot! :)
    Flame Fur (Phoenix)
    Rank: I'd like to be medicine cat apprentice, or medicine cat. :)
    Look: Her feathers are the colors of the sunset, and her eyes are deep blue.
    Story: Flame Fur used to live by the ocean, where she could watch the sunset every day. Soon, she got very bored and went away. There, she found the Clan. At first, they were very hostile, until they found out her knack with herbs.
    Type: Sun Phoenix

    1. Please do the image link, of course! Med phoenix, I don't have a main med one yet. I'm putting you up ASAP, but don't count on it, I have a LOT to do. O.o

    2. Am I supposed to draw it? If not, here's my image.
      (I do not own this photo, I found it online. It's the second row down, first from the left, or, if you prefer it, the third from the left in the second row. I can't decide)
      You'll notice the picture's a bit different from my description, so it would change to that picture.
      If I do have to draw it myself, may I do it on paper?

  3. I just sent you an email, Amy, and I'm just testing to see if this blogger account thing works. e.e

  4. As I want to be deputy im making a new phoenix. Her names GoldenAurora

    Appearance: Aurora coloured feathers with golden tips. Has one purple eye and a pink eye (Dark purple bright pink)

    Personality: Dark, keeps to self, snappy, short tempered, when in good mood (which is almost NEVER) she is awesome, fun to be around, caring, thoughtful.

    Abandoned as an egg she was taken in by Olivia, who brought her up, taught her the art of war and everything she knows. Her real parents are NightWing and FlameFur (if male if not.... then can I make ANOTHER character?)

  5. Okay, General, I'll write a story as soon as possible for your new charrie! I'm busy, though, so it won't come soon. Any image you can supply?

  6. Er not yet.. Maybe I can look it up and if not I'll draw one :)

  7. Not to sound ungrateful, but GoldenAura is the apprentice and NightWing is the dep :)

    1. Ah. Apprentice to what, though? (Dang, I need a good excuse for my character's mistake...)

  8. GoldAura is NightWings apprentice :)

  9. Also, GoldenAura's father is SilentStar. Before she went hunting they bred :D so she has claws and everythingish I'll write a further description of her :)

  10. Or maybe BrassClaw....

    1. It's your choice. It isn't allowed, unfortunately, to submit your own story for your characters (I made an exception for SIlentStar because it was very good), but I can get suggestions like this. I'm overwhelmed by life, so I can't do all the things I want to, but I'll try to roleplay wih Tempest and Tango and help you out as much as I can.

  11. So I can't write about GoldenAura and her past? But it was gonna be awesome! After school im going online so maybe I could write a brief one?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. You may want to email SilentStar for confirmation. She's a moderator, so it won't be too hard to find. c=
    I'm really, really sorry, but I find that I can recieve suggestions and write the stories better that way. Plus, if everyone wrote their own story, I would have to do extensive checking to make sure it seemed canon, and I have to balance time nowdays! Sorry, Zoroark.


Remember, when you comment, please follow the Phoenix Code at all times! Otherwise, the evil Dragonclan will come and destroy you - forever.